The different elements of scenography in temporary construction

Scenography, the art of creating impressive and engaging environments, plays an important role in temporary structures. Whether it’s a pop-up event, an exhibition or a temporary building, the effective use of scenographic elements can enhance the overall experience and leave a lasting impression on visitors. In this article, we look at the different scenographic elements used in temporary structures – lighting, sounds, colors, materials and smells – and how they contribute to the creation of exceptional spaces.


In the scenography in temporary construction, lights are a crucial element. They can influence the atmosphere of the space and have an emotional impact on the audience. There are many different types of lights that can be used in scenography, such as spotlights, LED lights and color filters. Each type has its own strengths and weaknesses and can be used for different purposes. For example, spotlights can be used to highlight certain areas of the room or to create a dramatic effect. LED lights are energy efficient and can be set in different colors, making them ideal for creating a specific atmosphere. Color filters can be used to change the light, bathing the room in different hues. Whether it’s dramatic or subtle room lighting, careful use of lighting can greatly enhance the overall experience.


In addition to lighting effects, sounds also play an important role in scenography. They can evoke emotions, create anticipation, or guide visitors through different areas, adding depth and profundity to the overall experience. In temporary structures, audio elements can range from background music and ambient sounds to carefully crafted narration or live performances. Speaker placement is of great importance here to provide the best listening experience. But acoustic perception is not the only factor: when combined with visual elements such as lighting effects, the sound experience can be enhanced, leaving an even more intense impression on the viewer. Overall, it is important that all elements in the scenography in the temporary building are harmoniously coordinated to create an all-around successful overall experience.


Colors are an essential instrument of scenography. On the one hand, they can strongly influence the mood and atmosphere of a room, and on the other hand, they can also be used specifically to highlight certain areas or elements. It is important to know and consider the effect of different color combinations. Temporary structures often use a carefully crafted color palette based on the intended theme or purpose of the space. Vibrant and bold colors such as red and yellow, for example, can create a sense of energy and excitement, while soft and muted tones such as blue and green can evoke a calm and serene atmosphere. The brightness and saturation of colors should also be considered to create a harmonious overall look. Through the skillful use of colors, set designers can direct visitors’ perceptions and evoke the desired emotional responses, enhancing the overall effect of the temporary structure.


The choice of materials used in temporary structures can significantly influence the scenographic experience. They not only serve the visual design, but are also significantly responsible for the functionality. Depending on the purpose and atmosphere, different materials can be used. For example, wood and fabrics are particularly well-suited for warm and cozy spaces, while metal and glass tend to accentuate cool and modern. At the same time, the use of translucent materials can create a sense of lightness and transparency, while rough textures can add a tactile element. The durability and weather resistance of materials must also be considered for temporary structures. Rugged plastics and aluminum are particularly useful here. The selection and use of materials in temporary structures are key to creating the desired atmosphere and visual impact.


Scents can have a strong influence on visitors’ perception and mood. In temporary buildings, the targeted design of scents can therefore transport visitors to other places or reinforce thematic experiences. Therefore, when designing a room’s scent, special attention should be paid to the atmosphere you want to create. For example, the scent of fresh flowers can create a calming and pleasant mood, while a touch of cinnamon or vanilla can convey a sense of security and warmth. Thus, choosing the right room fragrance can make a big contribution to the successful implementation of a temporary construction.


In summary, scenography in temporary structures is a multidimensional art form that combines various elements to create spaces that are memorable. Through careful consideration and integration of lights, sounds, colors, materials, and even smells, temporary structures can engage visitors, convey narratives, and evoke emotional responses. By skillfully combining these scenographic elements, designers can transform temporary spaces into immersive and enchanting environments that leave a lasting impression on all who experience them.

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